Why Dynaudio core Series?

Synaesthesia March 10, 2023 Dynaudio Why Dynaudio core Series? The Dynaudio Core 59 is a modern and high quality active monitor speakers. It provides an authentic, analytical result and is perfect for mixing and mastering. Core59 Core 59’s new bass driver has emerged from over 18 months of intensive study into subwoofer driver technology, including […]
Yamaha MMP 1

Synaesthesia March 10, 2023 Yamaha Yamaha MMP 1 The MMP1 Studio Monitor Management System offers all essential audio processing functionality for DAW-based production environments in one streamlined, versatile, great-sounding, space-saving unit that provides efficient overall system management Advanced Monitoring and Communication The heart of the MMP1 is a 40 x 36 channel monitor matrix* that […]
Recording ? Or Good Recording

Synaesthesia March 10, 2023 Uncategorized Recording ? Or Good Recording Recording it’s an art” for quality sound recording, we need good quality microphones and the right environment. quality audio can be recorded only in a controlled recording environment Adjust the settings of the microphones or recorder according to the ambiance. Use a microphone screen […]